Is racism still racism if it is against white people?

Greg M Wells
2 min readDec 14, 2020
Photo by Dorothea OLDANI on Unsplash

Racism is about Power.

I read an article that defined Racism as the social norms, policies, and laws that result in one race being disadvantaged. It made me reconsider my feeling on the social discussion on race that is going on in America today. This definition is a different definition than I read in the dictionary, which said racism is the belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits.

Racism in America does not disadvantage white people. There are plenty of racial statements that are made against white people. All white people are racist is a good example. It is natural to generalize, indeed it is a characteristic of intelligence. We ask children to group things that are alike to teach this.

But grouping is not the same as racism.

All kittens are cute is different from all black people cannot be trusted. In America today, racial statements against white people are not Racism because they do not affect the power dynamics of race in our society. If there were no disadvantages to being black in America, then comments about race would be no more significant than comments about kittens.

Racism is a problem in America because it causes the black segment of our population to live shorter lives, to be treated differently by our justice system, our medical system, our education system, and plenty of other systems.

To say racism against white people is racism is to miss the point. It is sophistry. Racism is a problem in America, one that has existed for too long. It is a colossal problem, one without simple remedies. It is a disease like cancer, and as difficult to eradicate as cancer. It shows up in different places, causes different harms, and needs to be battled just like our battle against cancer.



Greg M Wells

Reader, writer, life-time learner, friend. Today’s ambition, increase kindness in the world.